Thursday, January 19, 2006

WCF and WWF Go live

Microsoft announced Go Live licenses this morning for Windows
Communication Foundation (WCF, previously - Indigo)
Windows Workflow Foundation (WWF) , which lets customers
use the January Go Live releases of WCF and WWF in their
deployment environments. WPF is not included in it. More
information about the Go Live program is at

Monday, January 16, 2006

Windows Vista Release date , Nov 2, 2006

Microsoft are likely to hit final Vista product with a deadline of Nov, 2 , 2006. So now we are preety sure that we can get the hands on experience on RTM of Windows Vista in this year. Earlier the release date was scheduled on June,2006 but testing staff for Vista has proposed a new date for it

Friday, January 13, 2006

SetFocusOnError property in ASP.NET 2.0

In ASP.NET 1.x, if we want to put the focus on a control if a validation fails based on the validation control, we need to tweak around webUiValidation.Js and modify it to work for us. Now in ASP.NET 2.0, we got a couple of options to do it. We got a SetFocus method as a part of Page in which we can pass the id of the control to get focus,


we got a new property called SetFocusOnError which is set on validator controls to cause the first invalid control to receive focus.

<asp:TextBox ID="txtRollId" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
 <asp:RequiredFieldValidator SetFocusOnError="true"
ErrorMessage="RollId is empty" ID="RequiredFieldValidator2"
ControlToValidate=" txtRollId" Display="Dynamic"
Check out the SetFocusOnError = true set in requiredFieldvalidator

Friday, January 06, 2006

MSBuild - Part 2

Implementing MSBuild in Whidbey

You can implement MSBuild in Whidbey by creating an MSBuild project file that you can use to compile a .NET project. The MSBuild project file is an XML file with the .proj extension. The MSBuild project file describes the build process of a .NET project. A console application of the MSBuild tool, called msbuild.exe, performs the build process. This application receives project files as input and processes them synchronously. You can create an MSBuild project file using the Visual Studio .NET IDE. To create an MSBuild project file:

1.         Create a folder, MSBuild, at the C:\WINNT\System32\ location to save the project file.

2.         Copy the msbuild.exe file from the C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.40607 location and save it at the C:\WINNT\System32\MSBuild location.

3.         Select Start -> Programs -> Microsoft Visual Studio Whidbey -> Microsoft Visual Studio codename Whidbey to open the Microsoft Visual Studio Whidbey IDE.

4.         Select File -> New -> File to open the New File window

5.      Select XML File and click Open to open the Code Editor window
Enter the code in the Code Editor window to create an MSBuild project file.

6.      Select File -> XMLFile1.xml to open the Save File As dialog box.

7.      Select the MSBuild directory from the Save in drop-down list box to specify the location where you want to save the project file.

8.      Select the All Files (*.*) option from the Save as type drop-down list box and enter the MSBuildProj file name with the .proj extension in the File name text box to create an MSBuild project file.

9.      Enter the following command at the command prompt to build the MSBuild project file that you create:

       WINNT\System32\MSBuild MSBuild MSBuildProj.proj

Thursday, January 05, 2006

MsBuild - Part 1

MSBuild - Part 1
From today, i will starting the tutorial on new tools available with .NET
Framework 2.0. so lets have some overview of MsBuild.

Microsoft Build Engine (MSBuild) is a tool to compile and build a Visual Studio (VS) .NET project without using the VS .NET Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The various open-source build tools include Build .NET, .NET Another Neat Tool (NAnt) etc

This tool enables you to customize the build process according to your requirements. For example, you can include functions, such as labeling builds and retrieving the latest versions of projects, from a source code control provider, such as Visual Source Safe, into the build process.

The MSBuild tool provides an execution engine, which builds and executes MSBuild project files. The MSBuild project file is an XML-based file that contains information about compiling .NET projects. The execution engine also synchronously runs all the tasks defined in MSBuild project files.

To be continued

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Need of Service Oriented Designing

If we look on any of enterprise standards, we always find that enterprise are presently accumulated with lots of software made up of new and old architecture, tightly integrated with each other and dependent on specific platform. If we look at the history of architecture, earlier in 1980s, most of the architecture was monolithic and there was no need to concentrate on the integration part of the product. At that time, if the product is doing the desired task, it was treated as the good software. But as soon as market changes and so technology too, company then look for some more loosely coupled architecture. There comes the magic of client/Server and then 3-tier, N tier and also distributed components. Object Oriented was really helpful in solving the problems of day today applications and making the life easier for the developers. One of the basic problems with Object oriented design is to modelling the application interaction. Presently the need of the market for the software is something like pluggable components, which can be changed according to market needs, business trends or on company’s needs there was a need of loosely coupled architecture and this is where Service oriented architecture comes into the scene. Reusable application components will continue to find new clients that will need to consume them. In the past, component-based code reuse would suffice, but in most companies today the need for cross-platform reuse makes any proprietary strategy very short-sighted. The constant need for agility, platform independence, and return on investment (ROI), and multi-client capabilities will continue to drive any enterprise to service-oriented design.

To be continued …