Sunday, August 27, 2017

Artificial Intelligence for .NET Book Launch

Over the last few months, I have been busy on authoring book. Unsurprisingly, it comes from one of my favorite topic "Artificial Intelligence". Book title is "Artificial Intelligence for .NET" and is now available on global online store like Amazon at here This book will introduce you to the world of artificial intelligence by providing genuine insights on AI concepts like Speech , Language and Search. The book also provides extensive examples to make it easier to put the new concepts into practice. Artificial Intelligence for .NET: Speech, Language, and Search will show you how to start building amazing capabilities into your applications today. Anurag Bhandari, who is been working with me since couple of years in Accenture has also worked as a contributing author in this book. I am sure you would love to read it. In next few coming blogs i would speak more about this book.

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