Monday, August 28, 2017

Launch event for "Artificial Intelligence for .NET"

One of best thing post your all 10 months of dedicated effort, swamped weekends of research, sleepless nights to come up with book is it's launch. 

Over the years, I have been celebrating the launch of my book with my family and friends in a closed stuff. This time our launch is been in the presence of global leadership of Accenture. Paul Daugherty, CTO of Accenture, Marc Carrel-Billiard (Our labs global lead), Sanjay Podder (our India Labs head) and Adam (our Global Lead for Advanced Technology & Architecture) have been generous enough to provide their presence for the launch. Our Labs marketing team did a fantastic job in creating some great book samples for showcasing as shown in the attached pic. All in all, the celebrations in itself was grand enough. Paul, Sanjay, Adam and Marc really loved and appreciated the book. Each of them expected to read this book and as i promised them , I am working to send my signed copy of the book to each of them.  I certainly want to thank our Labs head Sanjay Podder for working with Marketing team to give such a pleasant suprise to me and Anurag on the eve of the launch.

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