Saturday, April 28, 2007

TechEd 2007 Dates

Tech Ed 2007 dates have been published now and its going to happen in May end- June 2007 all over india. The dates for Tech Ed to happen in Mumbai is been revealed to be June 13-16 2007. still the dates on other places of India is yet to be finalized. More information about Tech Ed 2007 can be available by clicking Tech ED

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Office 2003 compatibility with Office 2007 docs

As if now, today's generations of IP professionals are working on two versions of Ms Office
  1. MS Office 2003
  2. MS Office 2007
There are numerous benefits of using office 2007 and you can really experience only when you download and work on office 2007 docs. Now if you see the documents creates using office 2007, they have the extensions of office 2003 docs preceded by "x" character. for e.g. Docx, Xlsx etc. The problems of sending these documents to the Office 2003 camps professionals is that they are unable to open the documents. So generally office 2007 camps professional used to save it in the office 2003 format and then send the docs. Though this is still available a better option is to ask the colleague to download Office compatibility pack that’ll allow you to open these documents in Office 2003.

To Download the compatibility pack , click here

I hope it now saves a life of lot of office 2007 camps