Friday, October 31, 2008

Enterprise Library 4.1 Just Released

Quick Links:
– MSDN site:
– Community Forum:
– Community Extensions:
What’s New?
This release of Enterprise Library is a service release that includes the following:
– Unity interception mechanism and integration of the Policy Injection Application Block with the Unity Application Block
– Added support for generics in the Unity Application Block
– Added support for arrays in the Unity Application Block
– Performance improvements
– Usability improvements to the configuration tool
– Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 support
– Bug fixes
For the detailed list of all changes, see About This Release of Enterprise Library.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Eclipse tool for silverlight

The Eclipse Tools for Microsoft Silverlight Project will integrate advancedSilverlight development capabilities into the Eclipse IDE and Eclipse RichClient Platform (RCP). Have a look on

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Silverlight 2 Released

Silverlight is out now.
Click Here to get Started and Install Silverlight2
Click here for Videos of Silverlight 2