Friday, December 03, 2010

Silverlight 5 Announced

Last week, I blogged and mentioned about very nice article of Brad Becker talking about future of Silverlight. The article was talking about what Silverlight will be doing in future. The article can be downloaded by clicking Here. Today, Scott Guthrie announced Silverlight 5 in Silverlight firestarter event. All the information mentioned in Brad's article is been mentioned as a part of Silverlight 5. More information is mentioned in Scott's blog by clicking here. The features of Silverlight 5 are really impressive.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Contest for Sharepoint Journey

Sharepoint can be used for variety of reasons..  Be it for a workflow, collaboration,  DMS or now even for social media integration.  Microsoft team would like to know how you  or your organization got started with Sharepoint and how Sharepoint applications helps in driving business values.  In order to achieve this, Microsoft team has set up a contest to submit a video that talks about it. If you are intrested, click Here to know more about it.