Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Top 15 AI companies

I have been working on lot of other areas professionally and personally and have not been able to blog it.. I was planning to start looking on giving more attention to the  blog but somehow i have missed. Today, after a gap of more than 4 years, I am starting it again..   

With so much enormous amount of data being generated every minute and having data storage cost being so less, AI is able to overcome his winter era.  I personally feel summer of AI have just started. World have just seen the glimpse of what disruption AI can bring..  I personally feel AI would be at his peak in and around 2020 where the usage of world "Guess" would be replace by actual facts and predictions coming from the Predictive Analytics. In this blog , I would try to make AI understanding simpler for the folks.  

Every companies have been speaking and discussing about disruption Artificial Intelligence(AI) is been making. More disruption feel is coming from Startups and now in last couple of years we see startups getting acquired by AI giants. Yesterday only i read about company API.AI being acquired by google.  Certainly this is an exciting era to be at..   I just came across list of top 15 companies who are really doing(rather than talking) about AI .. See