Friday, November 24, 2017

Showcased DRISHTI in Aegiis Graham Bell Award

The Aegis School of Business, Data Science, Cyber Security and Telecommunication has established the Aegis Graham Bell Award as a tribute to the father of the telephony, Alexander Graham Bell. As mentioned in their site," This Award is intended to promote innovation, entrepreneurship in the field of Telecom, Social, Mobility, Analytics, Cloud, Security to provide recognition for outstanding contributions by the innovators" . One of the category for this award was mobility and social good. it was a great chance to showcase our Visual impaired solution for blind aka DRISHTI which i architected, designed. It was indeed developed by my team in Gurgaon.  I went ahead and demonstrated and showcased DRISHTI at 8th Annual Aegis Graham Bell award 2017. It was indeed a great time showcasing DRISHTI infront of Jury. Results are going to be announced in February. Travel was really hectic to me as I need to travel and return back on the same day from Mumbai to go for another conference GHCI to present my paper. I would be writing a separate blog on it very soon.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Speaking in GHCI Conference on Machine Learning and AI at edge

GHCI is one of the eminent conference conducted by Anitaborg institute in collaboration with ACM India. Looking forward to speak in GHCI 2017, talking about how are we using Machine Learning to help changing the way survey data is collected even without Internet.. Yes.. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence on the edge !!. My session would under "Research advances in Interactive Technology" on 16th November. Applying new technologies like AI, ML, IOT, Blockchain etc in some particular domain have been a favorite passion since last year or so. Our current solution solves a great purpose of how and why to use Machine Learning and AI on edge to help getting more accurate data, results. More about it, during the speaking session !!

Thursday, November 09, 2017

Featured in Forbes video showcasing AI solution

It's time to get featured in Forbes showcasing DRISHTI solution that we created for visual impaired people in GITEX Technology Week, Dubai Click here to view a less than 2 minute video about DRISHTI that i architected and designed.

Showcased AI solution in Amazing Gitex Conference

Gitex ( has been one of the amazing and go to conference for any technical person. Tech pioneers and futurists, business leaders and IT professionals come to GITEX to experience the world’s most advanced technology and drive digital transformation. It's 2nd largest technology event of the world. I was fortunate enough to  Gitex technology week was organized this year in Dubai from October 8-12. Loved so much innovation happening around the world with various start ups and companies in 5 days..Got Featured and live on various Dubai channels like "Khaleej Times" during Gitex event, Dubai showcasing our AI solutions.