Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Seminar from Steve Ballmer, CEO Microsoft

On a few days visit to India, Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft spends some time with the developer community of Bangalore. I was honured to get a chance to attended that seminar On a one hour, he had been very clear about the Microsoft Strategies towards .NET and taking some collaboation with Indian companies. Steve Ballmer clearly stated that Microsoft is not looking for developing .NET in platforms other than windows.He clearly stated that .NET is not going to be Platform independent and also laugh when asked about Projects like MONO in Linux. He regarded these as the bad clone of .NET. He showed a great intrest in interoperability and strenghthen the use of Web services and also declared it Microsoft is also looking for some security aspect with it by implementing and enhancing WS-I. On one of the question asked for the qualities to be a CEO, he responded that a person should be Optimist and Good Team leader along with having a Great Sales Representative. He had also given some information about the LongHorn, Yukon and Whidbey as the future products. One of the intresting thing that i got to know in his seminar was about Microsoft Sharepoint Portal Server. On talking about Mobile development, He informed that Microsoft CE.NET will be more enhanced to meet the customer needs. This is the product that has given Microsoft highest revenue till now in the history of Microsoft.

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