Thursday, March 08, 2007

Webcasts on Windows Communication Foundation

I will be delivering webcast series on Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) this month. The webcasts are schedule back to back from 26th march – 30th March 2007 from 4 PM to 5 PM IST

26th - Beginning with WCF
27th - Implementing Service Oriented Architecture through WCF
28th - Understanding Endpoints with WCF
29th - Programming with WCF
30th - Securing services with WCF

All the 5 webcasts are open for registrations on Microsoft site

hope to see many of the blog readers online :)


Dammy said...

Hi, I've jus registered myself for the web-casts but for
Securing services with WCF

I'd be really interested in joining the same, but unable due to time conflicts. Is is possible to catch this recorded ?


Nishith Pathak said...

I will upload the URL in the blog from where you can get the recorded presentation. Please keep monitoring my blog.