Monday, June 09, 2008

Silverlight Beta 2

Silverlight Beta 2 is been released last week. if you would like to download silverlight, click here. If you would like to explore more on Silverlight Beta 2 and some of the new features, please go ahead and visit the blog of very famous scott guthie by clicking here. Also i would recommend you to go ahead and view this video from tim heuer by clicking here

Web Page Error Toolkit

Anyone who has developed couple of web applications , they are very much aware of what 404 error page is .. well this error page is from IIS that comes when we type incorrect URL. well, this might happen due to variety of reasons like Pages deleted/moved or even the links in other pages have not been updated. well , this error page always look very strange to the end user who got no clue as to why and what was the mistake. Perhaps, even the developers were not having any way to handle this situation. This is where "web Page error toolkit" comes into the picture. This toolkit helps you customize 400 error page by giving good search results, relevant links or even helping to correct your spelling and many more. This sounds really an effective medium for any web applications running on top of .NET 2.0 or above. To download, click here.

Friday, June 06, 2008

StyleCop : Source Analysis Tool for C#

Every solution based and product driven companies requires some set of best practices for coding guidelines and also for layout, readability and documentation. Developers have their own style of writing and since most of us as a developer used to write code as a part of team creates a sort of inconsistencies. if you have gone to MSDN or technet, you would observed a clearly readibility and consistency in the code. well, the reason behind is a Source analysis tool called StyleCop which is been matured within microsoft from over few years. Good thing is that it is now freely available. Source analysis tools are often get compared with code analysis tool. for e.g. obvious thing that would have came in your mind is FxCop. well, yes there are few similarities and few differences. Code analysis tool like fxCop work on binary files like assemblies while source analysis tool like StyleCop work with the code. StyleCop is well integrated with VS 2005/2008 and can be downloaded from here. It can also be integrated with MSBuilds based command line builds

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

IE 8 Betas

Gone are those days where browser just recognizes plain HTML. Browsers are getting intelligent day by day. IE 8 Beta 1 is already released and have some of the good features like Activities, web slices etc to name a few. Also, this beta version also supports 5 languages and have full support of CSS 2.1 . To know more about the feature, click here.

To download , IE 8 Beta 1 , click here.

Going forward, IE 8 Beta 2 , expected to be released in coming months (Probably August) will support atleast 18-20 languages.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Sharepoint Web 2.0 Starter

Microsoft is coming up with great speaker on sharepoint on "Sharepoint web 2.0 starter". Though this event will happen on June 11th event at the Microsoft Conference Center in Redmond, WA. If you happen to be in Redmond, get registered by clicking here. The whole event is also getting simulcasted via Live Meeting. You can join online at this full-day event and learn more about customizing and building Web pages, Web Parts, Silverlight, and more from a SharePoint context. if you want to join via live meeting, register by clicking here.