Friday, June 06, 2008

StyleCop : Source Analysis Tool for C#

Every solution based and product driven companies requires some set of best practices for coding guidelines and also for layout, readability and documentation. Developers have their own style of writing and since most of us as a developer used to write code as a part of team creates a sort of inconsistencies. if you have gone to MSDN or technet, you would observed a clearly readibility and consistency in the code. well, the reason behind is a Source analysis tool called StyleCop which is been matured within microsoft from over few years. Good thing is that it is now freely available. Source analysis tools are often get compared with code analysis tool. for e.g. obvious thing that would have came in your mind is FxCop. well, yes there are few similarities and few differences. Code analysis tool like fxCop work on binary files like assemblies while source analysis tool like StyleCop work with the code. StyleCop is well integrated with VS 2005/2008 and can be downloaded from here. It can also be integrated with MSBuilds based command line builds

1 comment:

Subodh said...

Dear sir,
You have been a great motivator for me. And your blogs are a great source of information and inspiration for everyone.