Sunday, December 11, 2005

bill Gates Live Dec 9

On December 9th, I got a chance to attend a confrence in Palace Ground , Bangalore where Mr. Business(Bill Gates) was the man of the moment. It was really fun to be out there. near about 5000 IT professionals were gathered out there and it was good to hear about future policies of microsoft investing in India. Sheila Gulati Director, Developer and Platform Evangelism Microsoft India was asking Oozz and Azzz queries from Mr. Gates. One of the new sites was through which Microsoft is seeking unveiled a nationwide talent hunt .
Last Year in November, Steve Ballmer visited india, this year Bill Gates, whats next for the year.. I Wish if some gurus of technology like Don Box, Anders hejlsberg, scott wiltamutt, etc.. We can just wait and watch :)

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