Friday, December 23, 2005

Is remoting Dead with WCF?

Well, Many a times it happens that we use a technology and set some best patterns and practices for the same. As and when a technology ceases, we start looking for new patterns and practices. Microsoft has also had a group for the same. Ofcourse , since the last few years, we were always been in comparing .NET remoting vs web services. Ofcourse, former is been known for its performance and later is known for the interoperability. With the new distributed technology coming into the arena,i.e. Windows Communication Foundation(WCF), formely known as indigo, there is lot of hustle bustle in the developers. Will the existing application will be able to work with it ? What about upgradation path ? One of the main queries that i got when we talk about SOA and WCF with my peers Is Remoting Dead ? What will happen to Web Services etc..I always try to reply it in different ways until i heard the best one from Steve Swartz
which states "When you have another child, do you stop loving your previously conceived children? No, you love and support them all". I hope after publishing this on my blogs, I would make some of you remember abt it :)

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