Gone are those days where computing is limited to your desktop processing. Needless to mention, Microsoft has changed the way by bringing desktop computers @ home. Things were very fine till the advent of Internet and more. Earlier where companies are happy with monolithics and client server architecture, now they are more likely building their components based on Components and Service Oriented Architecture to name few. Microsoft has been very revolutionary in developing very user friendly UIs. But on other hand, Many companies like Google has came with the concept of virtual softwares. This is one of the reason why AJAX is getting very popular now a days. Google Earth, which got released this year got the appreciation from many on one side while it arouses a concerns about individual privacy and security.When everything comes in your way you're in the wrong lane.I am wondering why government are not raising any security issues on the same. Though i read articles in which our honouable president Mr. Kalam has aroused about security issues but i do feel that Govt of India should wake up and have a stop on allowing any satelites to view sensitive location , be it be a parliament house or India Gate, atleast it should not be available for the public masses. just to want to say this about Google Earth is the light at the end of the tunnel may be an incoming train. Hope some public masses should raise an appeal for it. Fingers Crossed
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