Saturday, April 25, 2009


ASP.NET MVC framework brings a lots of easiness for creating MVC applications in ASP.NET. There are already lots of tutorials, documentation for new ASP.NET MVC Framework. If you need the sum of all , do go through the upcoming book called ASP.NET MVC 1.0 of Wrox publication. Scott Guthrie has written one of the chapter and is also available for free download. Click here to download the first chapter written by scott Guthrie

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tech Ed 2009

This year, MS Tech Ed 2009 is happening at Hyderabad from May 13th-15th‏.
What's New this time in Tech Ed , 2009 ?

  • 28 Technical tracks
  • Technical Learning Center (TLC) : With more than 100 Demo Stations, 24 Instructor-led Hands-on-Lab sessions, 12 Technology Tents (hosted by Microsoft Product Development Teams), product-specific Ask-the-Expert rooms
  • Microsoft Certification for free at Tech ED : One of the unique opportunity of its own
  • Speakers : Chance to hear from 78 eminient speakers that includes Steve Balmer, CEO of Microsoft.

How to view Tech Ed online
Click here to view Tech Ed Online

Where to Register ?
Go and get register for Microsoft TechEd India 2009 at now