Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tech Ed 2009

This year, MS Tech Ed 2009 is happening at Hyderabad from May 13th-15th‏.
What's New this time in Tech Ed , 2009 ?

  • 28 Technical tracks
  • Technical Learning Center (TLC) : With more than 100 Demo Stations, 24 Instructor-led Hands-on-Lab sessions, 12 Technology Tents (hosted by Microsoft Product Development Teams), product-specific Ask-the-Expert rooms
  • Microsoft Certification for free at Tech ED : One of the unique opportunity of its own
  • Speakers : Chance to hear from 78 eminient speakers that includes Steve Balmer, CEO of Microsoft.

How to view Tech Ed online
Click here to view Tech Ed Online

Where to Register ?
Go and get register for Microsoft TechEd India 2009 at now

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