Friday, April 16, 2010

Silverlight 4 release on Feb 13

Remember Feb 13, 2007... Silverlight went public for the first time and yeah, here post 3 yrs later at Feb 13,2010, Silverlight 4 got released... This seems to be a intresting fact isn't it .. :) .. There are lots and lots of capabilities coming on Silverlight 4 . The RIAs support seems to be increasing in Silverlight on their every release.. So if you would like to know what's new in Silverlight 4, click here
Silverlight 4 application requires VS 2010 as an IDE. I would be blogging more on Sharepoint 2010 , VS 2010, Silverlight 4 and few more upcoming Tech.. in coming day and will talk about specific features of each of them..

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