Monday, October 17, 2005

Is Google Earth not raising the security concerns

Gone are those days where computing is limited to your desktop processing. Needless to mention, Microsoft has changed the way by bringing desktop computers @ home. Things were very fine till the advent of Internet and more. Earlier where companies are happy with monolithics and client server architecture, now they are more likely building their components based on Components and Service Oriented Architecture to name few. Microsoft has been very revolutionary in developing very user friendly UIs. But on other hand, Many companies like Google has came with the concept of virtual softwares. This is one of the reason why AJAX is getting very popular now a days. Google Earth, which got released this year got the appreciation from many on one side while it arouses a concerns about individual privacy and security.When everything comes in your way you're in the wrong lane.I am wondering why government are not raising any security issues on the same.  Though i read articles in which our honouable president Mr. Kalam has aroused about security issues but i  do feel that Govt of India should wake up and have a stop on allowing any satelites to view sensitive location , be it be a parliament house or India Gate, atleast it should not be available for the public masses. just to want to say this about Google Earth is the light at the end of the tunnel may be an incoming train. Hope some public masses should raise an appeal for it. Fingers Crossed

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Happy Birthday to me (12th October) and Happy Dussehra to You all

Probably after 7 months without any leave in weekdays, I am thinking of a rest tommorow. Just because its some special day.As i would not be accessing internet, if possible , here i am writing something specially for me to wish myself on the special day

Happy Birthday to me

Today (12th October) is my special Day!
shouting Hip Hip hooray!
entire wishes I get for peace, joy and fun
Today really I m exalted one.

And where ever I go and anyone I meet today
All the near and dears will say,
"Happy Dussehra , bliss and joy!"
And thrill to see the birthday boy.

// for my Parents, mentors and my brothers and sisters

Not just on my Birthday, but all other days too.

That's what everyday I want to say all of you
Thanks for being Kind, Loving, Giving & Caring.

A real connection is what we are sharing.

// for none other than my forever friends
You've stayed with me through good & bad.
Being away from you all makes me Sad.
So dance and sing and have a ball!
And thanks for Birthday Wishes from u all!

Tired of SQL

Object Relation mapping tool

O/R Mapping means Object/Relation Mapping. All of our application deals with objects as well as relational database.

A typical application consist of three layers namely

  • Presentation Layer
  • Business logic layer
  • Data Access Layer

Now if we consider using of objects, we find that Objects are used in Presentation and business layer, but our Data access layer works with Relational database, which is very different from how we access our objects. Today any world application is been handled in OO fashion. Wasn’t it something great if we access our Relational database in OO manner. Before we go further, its also needed as when we talk about our data access layer , we find that Data Access Layer is responsible for any code to save, delete, and retrieve your object from the database. You write methods in your DAL to retrieve different sets of objects, change status', and perform various other tasks. Writing this data access code *can be* very repetitive. To avoid this , now we use ORM tool rather than DAL. Yes, that’s true. Now we didn’t need to write those Insert, Update, Delete and Select statement , these all things is carried by our O/R Mapping tool. So now we have scenario something like this

Objects ----- ORM Mapper ----Relational Database

It is a common scene that our objects does not have 100% exact mapping with the database columns. For e.g. , we might be interested in having the having one column in the table which resembles two column in the Objects or vice versa. There is also the name conflict which means that what it means as Fname in the object resembles FirstName in some table of some database. So what we need is a mapping between those objects and relational database. What GNOME is doing is that it is It generates the data access layer from the class model and schema mapping to the relational model provided by the developer. This introduces object-oriented concepts and true refactoring down to the data access logic tier

Presently i am working with such a product called Genome. Initially, it might raise a kind of confusion and hustle-bustle for developers as most of them are familiar with those SQl Statements, but this is something i belive will be the future implementation of accessing the database as we can really accessing our Database in a OO manner. In Genome, rather than using SQL, we access the data through persistent classes and also have its own language called OQL. Unlike Sql, OQL is a case sensitive language. so Guys, traditional mechanism of accessing the data needs to be changed in the coming years. This forsight is also getting implemented in few of products of Microsoft. Any Guesses

Monday, October 03, 2005

Code Name changes

There's always a market hype for the products of Microsoft. Microsoft too always invest his most of its resources in r&D and needless to mention, unique ways of identifying its products. May be through cool adds, or may be through code names , MSDN training programs etc.. There is always an appreciation from either side of the camps,one who's against them and one who supports MS.

Since begining, I am very keen to know about the origin of the code names and for me , if u want to get acquinted with any subject or technology, first step is to read his history. Be it be a whidbey, an island north of Seattle or Orcas etc. Some days back, i was really confused to hear two a new term, Windows Communication Foundation and Windows Presentation Foundation, not to worry, they are just another name of Indigo and Avalon. MS is always known for selling old things in New packets. Well Indigo looks very cooler but still now markets should get acquinted with WCF or might be some Unified Framework a later on. Keep a watch

Beta 1 and Beta 2 changes for .NET 2.0

Data Design Time Changes Beta1 to Beta2

ASP.NET 2.0 product design changes between Beta 1 and Beta 2

Features postponed for ASP.NET 2.0 Beta 2

SQL Server 2005 Beta 2: What's New

ADO.NET Code Transitions to New Beta

C# (Changes from beta 1.0.2204 to beta2 1.0.2914)