Monday, May 12, 2008

SharePoint 2007 Maximum Limitations

The following table lists is the Maximum limitations lists in MOSS

Site collection : 50,000 per Web application
Web site : 250,000 per site collection
Subsite : 2,000 per Web site
Document : 5 million per library
Item : 2,000 per view
Document file size : 50MB (2GB max*)
List : 2,000 per Web site
Field type : 256 per list
Column : 2,000 per document library 4,096 per list
Web Part : 50 per page
Users in groups : 2 million per Web site
User profile : 5 million per farm
Security principal : 2,000 per Web site
Search indexes : One per SSPMaximum of 20 per farm
Indexed documents : 50,000,000 per content index
Content sources : 500 per SSP
Start Addresses : 500 per content source
Alerts : 1,000,000 per SSP
Scopes : 200 per site
Display groups : 25 per site
Crawl rules : 10,000 per SSP
Keywords : 15,000 per site
Crawled properties : 500,000 per SSP
Managed properties : 100,000 per SSP
Authoritative pages : 200 per relevance level
Results removal : 100
Crawl logs : 50,000,000
Shared Services Provider (SSP) : 3 per farm (20 per farm maximum)
Zone : 5 per farm
Web application : 99 per SSP
Internet Information Services (IIS) application pool: 8 per Web server
Site collection : 50,000 per Web application
Content database : 100 per Web application
Site collection : 50,000 per database
Index servers : 1 per SSP*
Application servers running Excel Calculation Services : No limit
Query servers : No limit
Web server/database server ratio : 8 Web servers per database server
Web server/domain controller ratio : 3 Web servers per domain controller

Reference of the same taken from


Unknown said...

Hi Nishith,

When you mention 500,000 crawled properties per SSP, does this refer to that we can crawl 500,000 items per SSP and we need to create another SSP to crawl more.

Thanks in Advance

Nishith Pathak said...

Not realy Maninder. Crawled Properties are actually a metadata that gets discovered during the process of crawling done by Sharepoint enterprise search. This is not specifically related to item. You can find the crawled properties by clicking the "metadata property mapping" on the search settings page.Let me know if you still need soome more info

Nishith Pathak

Unknown said...

Hi Nishith,

Well the question comes from an upgarde of our licence. We initially set up Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 for Search Standard. This however has an index limit of 500,000 documents. I have upgraded the licence using the Central Admin Convert Licence Type interface to the Enterprise version which allows unlimited indexed documents. However, when starting up the crawl the error occurs telling me the number of documents has reached the licence limit. Is there a step or process I am missing as the search service thinks it is still on a standard licence.

Thanks again in advance