In my previous post , i mentioned that what are the issues that stops Whidbey team to target 1.x and reasons for that. But here is something good news !!!. In an effort to support 1.x, Microsoft MsBuild team will be targetting 1.x. Project name is MSBee, which stands for MSBuild Everett Environment. For more details, look out for the same in some MSDN blogs.. Everett was the code name for Visual Studio 2003. Though the release date of the same has not been fixed, but still hoping to get it released by june, 2006 something with the release of longhorn :)
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Visual studio 2005 targets only one versions
After the release of VS.NET 2005, I was always having a thought about why this new versions doesn't supports .NET 1.x. After a lot of reasearch and interacts with microsoft newsgroups, i had found something reasonable. I had a talk with Microsoft team guys about it and what they provide me was some links pointing to few blogs. One of them which i found really fascinating was
look at the blog and got your answer why VS.NET 8 targets only 1 version. I am also looking forward from the answers from other building team in MS and would be certainly posting it soon.
Monday, December 26, 2005
Was Web Services the first SOA Implementation
Friday, December 23, 2005
Is remoting Dead with WCF?
Well, Many a times it happens that we use a technology and set some best patterns and practices for the same. As and when a technology ceases, we start looking for new patterns and practices. Microsoft has also had a group for the same. Ofcourse , since the last few years, we were always been in comparing .NET remoting vs web services. Ofcourse, former is been known for its performance and later is known for the interoperability. With the new distributed technology coming into the arena,i.e. Windows Communication Foundation(WCF), formely known as indigo, there is lot of hustle bustle in the developers. Will the existing application will be able to work with it ? What about upgradation path ? One of the main queries that i got when we talk about SOA and WCF with my peers Is Remoting Dead ? What will happen to Web Services etc..I always try to reply it in different ways until i heard the best one from Steve Swartz
which states "When you have another child, do you stop loving your previously conceived children? No, you love and support them all". I hope after publishing this on my blogs, I would make some of you remember abt it :)
Managed Objects in Yukon
Got some time to wrote another article on using Managed Objects in Yukon. You can get the link at
in case URLs still working . Happy Christmas and Happy Coding too!!!! J
Sunday, December 11, 2005
bill Gates Live Dec 9
Last Year in November, Steve Ballmer visited india, this year Bill Gates, whats next for the year.. I Wish if some gurus of technology like Don Box, Anders hejlsberg, scott wiltamutt, etc.. We can just wait and watch :)
Monday, October 17, 2005
Is Google Earth not raising the security concerns
Gone are those days where computing is limited to your desktop processing. Needless to mention, Microsoft has changed the way by bringing desktop computers @ home. Things were very fine till the advent of Internet and more. Earlier where companies are happy with monolithics and client server architecture, now they are more likely building their components based on Components and Service Oriented Architecture to name few. Microsoft has been very revolutionary in developing very user friendly UIs. But on other hand, Many companies like Google has came with the concept of virtual softwares. This is one of the reason why AJAX is getting very popular now a days. Google Earth, which got released this year got the appreciation from many on one side while it arouses a concerns about individual privacy and security.When everything comes in your way you're in the wrong lane.I am wondering why government are not raising any security issues on the same. Though i read articles in which our honouable president Mr. Kalam has aroused about security issues but i do feel that Govt of India should wake up and have a stop on allowing any satelites to view sensitive location , be it be a parliament house or India Gate, atleast it should not be available for the public masses. just to want to say this about Google Earth is the light at the end of the tunnel may be an incoming train. Hope some public masses should raise an appeal for it. Fingers Crossed
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Happy Birthday to me (12th October) and Happy Dussehra to You all
Probably after 7 months without any leave in weekdays, I am thinking of a rest tommorow. Just because its some special day.As i would not be accessing internet, if possible , here i am writing something specially for me to wish myself on the special day
Happy Birthday to me
Today (12th October) is my special Day!
shouting Hip Hip hooray!
entire wishes I get for peace, joy and fun
Today really I m exalted one.
And where ever I go and anyone I meet today
All the near and dears will say,
"Happy Dussehra , bliss and joy!"
And thrill to see the birthday boy.
// for my Parents, mentors and my brothers and sisters
Not just on my Birthday, but all other days too.
That's what everyday I want to say all of you
Thanks for being Kind, Loving, Giving & Caring.
A real connection is what we are sharing.
// for none other than my forever friends
You've stayed with me through good & bad.
Being away from you all makes me Sad.
So dance and sing and have a ball!
And thanks for Birthday Wishes from u all!
Tired of SQL
Object Relation mapping tool
O/R Mapping means Object/Relation Mapping. All of our application deals with objects as well as relational database.
A typical application consist of three layers namely
- Presentation Layer
- Business logic layer
- Data Access Layer
Now if we consider using of objects, we find that Objects are used in Presentation and business layer, but our Data access layer works with Relational database, which is very different from how we access our objects. Today any world application is been handled in OO fashion. Wasnât it something great if we access our Relational database in OO manner. Before we go further, its also needed as when we talk about our data access layer , we find that Data Access Layer is responsible for any code to save, delete, and retrieve your object from the database. You write methods in your DAL to retrieve different sets of objects, change status', and perform various other tasks. Writing this data access code *can be* very repetitive. To avoid this , now we use ORM tool rather than DAL. Yes, thatâs true. Now we didnât need to write those Insert, Update, Delete and Select statement , these all things is carried by our O/R Mapping tool. So now we have scenario something like this
It is a common scene that our objects does not have 100% exact mapping with the database columns. For e.g. , we might be interested in having the having one column in the table which resembles two column in the Objects or vice versa. There is also the name conflict which means that what it means as Fname in the object resembles FirstName in some table of some database. So what we need is a mapping between those objects and relational database. What GNOME is doing is that it is It generates the data access layer from the class model and schema mapping to the relational model provided by the developer. This introduces object-oriented concepts and true refactoring down to the data access logic tier
Monday, October 03, 2005
Code Name changes
There's always a market hype for the products of Microsoft. Microsoft too always invest his most of its resources in r&D and needless to mention, unique ways of identifying its products. May be through cool adds, or may be through code names , MSDN training programs etc.. There is always an appreciation from either side of the camps,one who's against them and one who supports MS.
Since begining, I am very keen to know about the origin of the code names and for me , if u want to get acquinted with any subject or technology, first step is to read his history. Be it be a whidbey, an island north of Seattle or Orcas etc. Some days back, i was really confused to hear two a new term, Windows Communication Foundation and Windows Presentation Foundation, not to worry, they are just another name of Indigo and Avalon. MS is always known for selling old things in New packets. Well Indigo looks very cooler but still now markets should get acquinted with WCF or might be some Unified Framework a later on. Keep a watch
Beta 1 and Beta 2 changes for .NET 2.0
Data Design Time Changes Beta1 to Beta2
ASP.NET 2.0 product design changes between Beta 1 and Beta 2
Features postponed for ASP.NET 2.0 Beta 2
SQL Server 2005 Beta 2: What's New
ADO.NET Code Transitions to New Beta
C# (Changes from beta 1.0.2204 to beta2 1.0.2914)
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Clipboard data available through Javascript and ASP
We do copy various data by ctrl+c for pasting
elsewhere. This copied data is stored in clipboard and
is accessible from the net by a combination of java-scripts and ASP.
This is achieved by a script like this ..
<Script Language="JavaScript">
var content = clipboardData.getData("Text");
if (content!=null) {
else {document.write('<center>No text found in clipboard. This is a good thing!<br><br>Works with Internet Explorer and Netscape.');}
Click the Link:
3) You will see the text you copied on the Screen
which was accessed by this web page.
Do not keep sensitive data (like passwords, creditcard
numbers, PIN etc.) in the clipboard while surfing the web. It is
extremely easy to extract the text stored in the clipboard to steal your sensitive information.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
UIPAB (Part 2)
I had written the second article on UIPAB. You can find the same on This article explains you about how to work on UIPAB. First article that was published on explains about why and when to use UIPAB.
Longhorn Alias Windows Vista
Next version of Windows finally has an official name: Windows Vista.Earlier its name was Longhorn. Microsoft is expected to ship it in later months of 2007
Monday, July 25, 2005
Article on UIPAB
Microsoft application block is put up by pattern and practices group of Microsoft. UIPAB is one of those infrastructural areas which are been addressed as higher level issue and needs to be resolved. Though .NET Framework provides sets of core services but still to make our application more scalable, maintainable and also reusable, we need application blocks. I will be trying to summarize the UIPAB in two articles series. This is the first article of the series, which contains an information about the brief description of UIPAB and some of the keywords used in UIPAB. My second article will go in depth of the UIPAB with the demonstration. My first article is published in
Monday, July 18, 2005
Encryptions at your hands
I had got a lot of feedback about connectionstrings encryption so i had written a article for the same.
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Connection String enhancements in VS 2005
Today I had written an article on ConnectionStringBuilder and the enhancements for the use of connection string.This article is published on following URL
Thursday, May 19, 2005
FAQ on Longhorn
Today as i was browising the sites, i got some FAQ on Longhorn
What is Longhorn?
Longhorn is the code name for the next version of Windows. A server version of Longhorn is also planned.
Why the name longhorn?
It's a type of steer. It's also the name of a bar at the base of British Columbia's Whistler mountain, on the way to Blackcomb. Whistler was the code name for Windows XP, while Blackcomb was the moniker for a version of Windows that was originally scheduled to follow Whistler.
When will Longhorn arrive?
Microsoft has promised that Longhorn will be widely available on computers for the 2006 holiday buying season. A beta or test, version is planned for "early summer," probably June or July. The server version is slated for 2007.
So what's in this Longhorn thing?
Longhorn has evolved quite a bit since Microsoft first demonstrated an early version in 2003. The company has dropped plans to include its all-new WinFS file system and has also changed the way it's implementing a new Web services architecture, known as Indigo, and a new graphics engine, dubbed Avalon.
Among the key features of Longhorn as it currently stands are: security enhancements, a new searching mechanism, lots of new laptop features parental controls and better home networking. There will also be visual changes, thanks to Avalon, ranging from shiny translucent windows to icons that are tiny representations of a document itself. On the business side, Microsoft said Longhorn will be easier for businesses to deploy on multiple PCs and will also save costs by reducing the number of times computers will have to be rebooted.
Is that all?
No. Among the other features Microsoft has publicly confirmed are: broad IPv6 support, improved client-side caching of data stored on a server, whole-volume encryption, a revamped synchronization engine, the ability to support laptops with an auxiliary display, automatic hard drive optimization and a secure boot-up process that helps prevent someone from gaining access to your data if your PC is lost or stolen. There's also probably a ton of stuff we haven't heard about yet.
Is everything final?
No. Allchin has said that getting Longhorn out on time is more of a priority than including every last feature. So if the team hits a stumbling block, some features could be on the chopping block.
Will Longhorn be called Longhorn?
No, Microsoft will give it some official name, probably around the time it goes into beta, according to Allchin.
That depends on how recently you bought it. Allchin said in an April interview that he expects Longhorn will need about 512MB of memory and "today's level" of processor. The ability to display all the fancy new graphics will depend on what type of graphics card one has. On some older machines, the graphics may look similar to today's Windows.
Will it come in the same editions as in the past--Home, Professional, Tablet and Media Center?
Allchin said Microsoft is close to a decision there, but not ready to talk about it. "We are moving features around," he said.
How much will it cost?
Pricing, too, is yet to be decided
I got to know that Microsoft is expecting seven editions of Longhorn targeting each users.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
WBMTest.exe - WMI Tester
As i was browsing through the internet, I got to know about a hidden tool that works like a WMI Tester. Name of the utility is wbmtest.exe which can be run by start- run and executing wbmtest.exe. For more info about it, you can visit a link below
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Introduction to Visual Studio 2005
Introduction to Visual Studio 2005
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Beta 1 is a major new release of the comprehensive development environment for building Microsoft .NET.connected applications for Microsoft Windows® and the Web. This new version offers the following primary advantages:
· Radically improved developer productivity. Visual Studio 2005 contains integrated development environments (IDEs) for Microsoft Visual Basic®, Microsoft Visual C#®, and other programming languages, which include many features that make it faster and easier to develop software. These include edit marks, automatic saving of edits, improved rapid application development (RAD) features, and others. Visual Studio 2005 also contains improved graphical tools for specific application scenarios, such as Web page development and data access.
· Development of Applications in .NET Framework 2.0
· Development of applications that integrate with Microsoft SQL Server. 2005 Beta 2 or earlier versions of SQL Server, and development of managed code that runs inside of SQL Server 2005.
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 is the new version of the object-oriented programming environment used to develop applications ranging from traditional command-line or graphical user interface (GUI) applications to Web applications and XML Web services. The .NET Framework 2.0 base class library (BCL) supports backward compatibility with earlier versions and also offers some enhancements to classes to perform common programming tasks such as string management, data collection, database connectivity, and file access. In addition to these common tasks, the BCL includes many enhancements to namespaces that support a variety of specialized development scenarios, including:
1. ADO.NET 2.0, which consists of classes for efficient data access.
2. System.Xml 2.0, which consists of classes that enable you to read, write, manipulate, and
transform XML.
3. Windows Forms 2.0, which consists of classes to develop rich-client Windows GUI applications.
4. Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0, which consists of classes to build Web applications and XML Web
Software developers with experience with earlier versions of Visual Studio .NET will find many productivity enhancements in Visual Studio 2005.
Some of the most useful of these enhancements include:
Edit marks
Visual Studio 2005 provides you with a visual indication of what has changed during the editing session. It distinguishes between the changes you have made that have not yet been saved and changes you have made during the current session that have been saved to disk.
Code snippets and code expansions
Visual Studio 2005 comes with a library of code snippets for common programming tasks. Code snippet is the name used in Visual Basic, but in Visual C# and other languages, it is known as code expansion. You can insert a code snippet into your code to achieve a programming task, instead of searching the documentation or code samples for examples. You can also create your own code
Visual C# IDE refactoring tools
The C# IDE includes a suite of tools that automate many common code refactoring tasks.
Developers can easily rename classes, fields, properties, and methods, extract code into its own method, reorder or delete parameters to a method, promote a local variable to be a parameter, encapsulate fields, and perform many other refactoring tasks. The tools ensure that when any change is made, all dependant modules are also updated.
Visual Basic productivity enhancements
Visual Studio 2005 delivers a long-requested feature, which is the ability to correct programming errors during debugging and continue to run without restarting the program. There are many other productivity enhancements, including the MyServices abstraction. MyServices are a series of coded shortcuts that make it easier to find system and application resources. For example, code such as My.Computer and My.WebServices are programmatic shortcuts to system resources and Web service references respectively.
Thursday, February 03, 2005
IIS first look
IIS 7.0 might be released late with Longhorn but it is always good to check some of the features of the articles ..
check more information on this article
Monday, January 31, 2005
how baseball player and .NET developer are similar
Similarity Baseball is at a stage where players have now been around for 20 some years, just like some of the heavy hitters (pun intended) in .NET have been around Windows for some time now.
Difference Baseball players like to play catch. Developers tend to always be playing catch up, even when a project manager thinks there is plenty of times.
Similarity The great baseball players try to get together to form better teams or work out groups. We have seen many times in .NET that there are banks of great developers that band together to create an environment that is right for them.
Difference Baseball players hit things for a living. If a .NET developer hit things for a living, they would probably be sued.
Similarity Baseball players tend to strike out quite a bit. So do .NET developers, or any computer person for that matter.
Difference People pay good money to see baseball players at work. I will guarantee that no person in their right mind will come to watch me at work. Ever!
Similarity Once baseball players get to a certain age they let the younger guys fill in for them and they start to step out of the lime light. Once a .NET developer gets to a certain age, they usually start to move to a manager role (see any similarity yet?), or they start to step out of the lead role and let some younger person take over.
Difference Baseball players usually only last a couple of years. Most developers last much longer than that.
Monday, January 24, 2005
Imagine cup Back again
Imagine cup is back again now. Registration closes March 1, 2005. Get started now and register at
Friday, January 21, 2005
web messenger from MSN
Microsoft now has a web-based version of their popular IM utility.
This is 100% Port-80 HTTP traffic, so you will have no problems with the corporate Firewall preventing you from doing IM!!!
Persistence Framework : An Introduction
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Microsoft Certifications offer
To all those Microsoft Aspirants, who are thinking of giving the microsoft exams in the first half of the year .Here is the very great offer for you all which is valid till 31st may 2005.
Take the Microsoft Certification exam during the specified period and get entitled to discounts on the regular exam fee*. | |||||||||||||
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To avail of the discount, please quote the Promo Code at the testing centre. |
Microsoft Certification is one of the benchmarks for hiring staff. Enroll yourself for a Microsoft Certification course and give your career that much needed Edge.
Friday, January 07, 2005
Microsoft Pattern and Practices: Enterprise Library
The first version of Enterprise Library is being developed by Microsoft in partnership with Avanade. In recognition of Avanade’s role in helping build the foundation of this deliverable, this version will be available to Avanade’s enterprise customers in late 2004 prior to the general release. It will then be released to the general public in early 2005